Friday, March 15, 2013

Preserve Funding for the NIH: Thank You, Tell-a-Friend - National Stroke Association

You know, if the members of Congress had jobs in the private sector, they would have been fired by now for not doing their job!  They are acting like a bunch of babies "gimme, gimme, gimme" "mine, mine, mine" "I want that"..., they're doing all the "taking" without any of the "giving".  Lets tell them to get off their butts and pass a budget so that we don't lose the things we need, the things we are all so used to having.  If a budget isn't passed it will shutdown our government, including research facilities.
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) would shutdown.  They conduct critical research on stroke diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.  Stroke is a top leading cause of death, more than 140,000 people die from a Stroke in the US alone, it is the leading cause of long-term disability, and about 795,000 people have a Stroke each year (some of this information found on  We need to continue funding research on Stroke.
My life has forever been changed because of Stroke, my hubby had a stroke and we live each day with its devastating results; he has right side paralysis and a severe speech impairment.  This will be a life-long journey and without continued research there is little hope of him getting the help he needs and getting a little better.  Please help me reach our Congressmen and women and tell them to get off their butts, do their job and pass a budget.
Remember to act FAST (Face Drooping, Arm Weakness, Speech Difficulty, Time to call 911) if you think you or someone you know is having a Stroke!
For more information on Stroke visit

Please click the link below to send your Congressman/woman a message today.

Preserve Funding for the NIH: Thank You, Tell-a-Friend - National Stroke Association

Okay, I'm off of my little soap box.  We now return you to your regularly scheduled project.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Headband 2

I had such fun making the first headband, I decided to make another. This time I used a regular crochet pattern. I like the way it turned out, hope you do too. The pattern can be found here ribbed headband
This headband is very quick and easy to make. I am going to make several to give away!  I do have a couple more swaps for hair accessories.  I should make some for myself, I rarely keep anything I make!
Have a fabulous day and keep on hooking!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Headband 1

I have this swap that I am working on, it is for a headband.  I've never made one before and thought that it would be fun.  I found this pattern that I really like, and guess what, I had to learn a new technique to make it!  I had to learn how to do the hairpin lace crochet.  This is the headband I am working on.  Hairpin lace headband

I went to YouTube to find a video on how to do this technique.  I found several, but the one that was the easiest to understand and follow was this one.
hairpin lace tutorial
She does a wonderful job explaining the process used.  I will post pictures of my project soon.  Have a fabulous day and keep on hooking!

I took pictures of the headband with my phone and my phone ate them!  Now I have to dig out the camera, find batteries and take another picture of it.  Have a fabulous day and keep on hooking!

Finally, I got the pictures.  New technology!